Terms of Service

Your enjoyment of the game Tactical Troops Anthracite Shift means a lot to us at QED Software Sp. z o. o. (“QED Software”). We hope you will have fun using the additional features that we offer through our Service.

These Terms of Service and the Forum Terms and Conditions (available at the Forum page) are to provide the legal framework and assure smooth and problem-free experience with our Sensei and Forum Service.

In short: we hope you enjoy the Services and meet nice people. Please, behave well, especially towards other players. And in return, others will behave well towards you. That’s what these rules are for.

Tactical Troops Anthracite the game and Sensei services, as well as the Forum are operated by us, so we do not require to share your data with any provider or partner.

If you have any questions about the game or the community, please contact [email protected]

If you have any questions regarding personal data protection, refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Preferences, or contact us at [email protected]

Here we go